How to launch & promote YouTube channel for free?

As a beginner, first decide about the topics/themes to cover and a logo. Use a website like Google Trends to discover the trends in your niche .

Make a channel art photo by online templates or on power point in the size of 2660×1440 pixels.

Prepare a description of the objective of the video for the audience and the tags related in accordance to the topics/themes.

Keep a collection of audio clips and sound effects ready for the background music ranging between 3-15 minutes in accordance with the themes.

Thumbnails are used for online publicity

Watch introductory videos and then – Make an introductory short video with online free programs like Canva etc OR on MS Power Point and save in HD format. Don’t forget to welcome viewers with a welcome banner preferably with an icon to give an idea about the theme as shown below:

Welcoming viewers is the first step in the video

Similarly, a thank you with the request for viewers to subscribe should be added at the end of the video.

Upload the video with your gmail account login into Youtube.

Watch it to assess the size to fit to the maximum of the online YouTube screen and the time duration. Editing online is not possible and hence if necessary edit it on your original software program and upload it again to test. When satisfied, delete the old video.

Make a first trial video on one most favorite topic that should not be of more than 3–10 minutes duration.

Don’t fall into the trap of monetization and save the link for free publicity and wait for the responses on number of views and comments.

Use Social media channels to grow Your YouTube Channel.

Sample demo of launching and promoting YouTube channel as Educator/Teacher

YouTube is owned by Google and they have a guideline for educator resources – Please read the Google resources first – by clicking here

Watch the following two channels to draw your ideas on making the video

classroom video

Promoting the channel videos on free resources on internet

SchoolTube - Safe video sharing and management for K12
Linking on free sources –

Promoting your videos on relevant blogs/sites. Sample link below:

100 Teacher Youtube Channels on Educational Videos, Tutorials, Lessons & Courses. Click here

Watch out for my next posts. For more details on other sources to earn and make money online – follow us.

Published by YUWALIWA

Founder/CEO of Yuwaliwa in 2017. Professional analyst, Web specialist, Internet enthusiast. Focused on career startups and life fundas expert for Yuwa(youth) and teens. YUWALIWA uncovers those impulses and hidden talents in you adding the things to your life that make you utilize the best of opportunities.Send us a message and let us talk about the additional sources, you could be enjoying from your existing life.

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