Beware of Online Scams

Don’t be a victim of Online scams
Scams worldwide

Check the social media profile and testimonials. Search the internet for scams. These tricks are too old and useless mostly used under disguised profiles.

Most common list of 70 online scams:

Email-based scams

1.1 Advanced-fee fraud

1.2 Nigerian scam (Nigerian 419 scam)

1.3 Charity fraud

1.4 Work-at-home job scams

1.5 Cancelled account

1.6 CEO fraud

1.7 Greeting cards

1.8 Affinity fraud

1.9 Guaranteed bank loan or credit card

1.10 Service provider

1.11 Scam compensation scam

2 Elder fraud

2.1 Investment scams

2.2 Insurance schemes

2.3 Health scams

2.4 Grandparent scam

3 Extortion

3.1 Ransomware

3.2 Sextortion

3.3 Hitman

3.4 Terrorist threat

3.5 Bomb threat

3.6 DDoS attack

4 Phishing

4.1 Spear phishing

4.2 Whaling

4.3 W-2 phishing

4.4 Phishing to deliver ransomware

5 Vishing

5.1 Bank

5.2 Tax

5.3 Prize

5.4 Tech support

5.5 Government agency

6 Social media scams

6.1 “See who’s viewed your profile”

6.2 Facebook “dislike” button

6.3 Fake celebrity news

6.4 Impersonation scam

6.5 Instagram Likes scam

6.6 Job offer scam

7 Travel scams

7.1 Free or discounted vacation

7.2 Vacation ticket re-sell scam

7.3 Points scheme

7.4 Vacation rental

8 Tax scams

8.1 Fake audit

8.2 Fake refund

8.3 Erroneous refund

8.4 Tax protester scheme

9 Bitcoin and cryptocurrency scams

9.1 Fake coin exchanges

9.2 Hacked coin exchanges

9.3 Pump and dump scheme

9.4 Fraudulent cloud mining companies

9.5 Mining malware

9.6 ICO exit scam

9.7 ICO impersonators

9.8 Cryptocurrency investment schemes

9.9 Wallet fork scams

9.10 Wallet impersonators

9.11 Coin mixing service phishing scam

9.12 Coin mixing service Ponzi schemes

10 Other online scams

10.1 Fake anti-virus software popup windows

10.2 Fake websites

10.3 Counterfeit goods sites

10.4 Online dating and romance scams

10.5 Ticket scams

10.6 Rental scam

10.7 SMS scams

10.8 Amazon phishing scam

10.9 Amazon delivery scam

10.10 Astroturfing (advertising scam)

10.11 Continuity scams

10.12 Stock market scam

10.13 Buyer scams

10.14 Overpayment

11 How to recognize scams

11.1 Recognizing secure sites

11.2 Spotting a fake or spoof phishing email

12 How to report a scam

Read online about 70 common online scams

For further details please click the source here.

5 Ways to Determine if a Website is Fake, Fraudulent, or a Scam – 2018
Ways to Determine if a Website is Fake, Fraudulent, or a Scam

5 Ways to Determine if a Website is Fake, Fraudulent, or a Scam – Click here

Published by YUWALIWA

Founder/CEO of Yuwaliwa in 2017. Professional analyst, Web specialist, Internet enthusiast. Focused on career startups and life fundas expert for Yuwa(youth) and teens. YUWALIWA uncovers those impulses and hidden talents in you adding the things to your life that make you utilize the best of opportunities.Send us a message and let us talk about the additional sources, you could be enjoying from your existing life.

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